South Crosland C. of E. (A) Junior School

Friendship, Forgiveness, Honesty and Respect


Together, as one, we support each other to flourish and succeed


Computing technology is changing the world and developing at an ever-fast pace. Together at South Crosland C.E. (A) Junior School, we prepare our children for the digital world (in line with the 2014 National Curriculum), by providing them with the knowledge, life-skills and understanding in order to be embrace new technology and the distinct challenges this brings.  It is our intention to enable children to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information; developing the skills necessary for children to be able to use information in an effective way.  These skills are a major factor in enabling our children to be confident, creative and independent learners and receive every opportunity available to allow them to achieve this. By accomplishing this, we are preparing our pupils to be the next socially-responsible generation of digital citizens who can behave in a safe way so that they will flourish and succeed in life.



At South Crosland C.E. (A) Junior School, we teach computing as a discrete subject in our afternoon timetable, using a blocked curriculum approach.  Year 3 - 6 are taught as individual year groups.  Year 3’s learning from Key Stage One is assessed alongside gaining valuable knowledge about their experience of technology.  We ensure the Key Stage One key skills are embedded in order to develop a secure understanding of the Key Stage Two Curriculum.  Our Computing curriculum is constantly reviewed due to take new technology into consideration and it is specifically designed using a range of sources which meet the needs of our children to enable them to succeed in Computing.  The curriculum ensures a balanced coverage of computer science, information technology and digital literacy.  Our Computing Suite (where every Computing lesson takes place) facilitates 30 laptops.  As well as this, we have an additional 30 Chromebooks and 96 iPads ensuring that all year groups have the opportunity to use a range of devices and programs for many purposes across the wider curriculum, including in the discrete Computing lessons.  We employ an onsite specialist I.T. technician, who ensures that all our equipment is functioning effectively.  Safeguarding our children is our priority, our technician ensures the appropriate filters are in place to enable a safer, digital learning environment. 

Our block of Online Safety lessons occur in the Autumn Term each year; however, the key messages are threaded throughout the curriculum in many subjects and topics.  Each half term combines aspects of staying safe online; developing online safety guidelines, social and emotional wellbeing and developing resilience, responsible internet use, keeping information safe, digital citizenship and having fun, which progress throughout Key Stage 2.  These important aspects of Online Safety are ever-changing in this digital world therefore, any new risks to child welfare will result in extra lessons that inform, advise and educate our children linked closely with P.S.H.E Education and R.S.H.E.



Our Computing lessons are bespoke, fun, engaging and challenging, taught by confident, knowledge-rich staff which equip our children to be proficient users of technology both now and throughout their lives. We want our children to be:

  • Confident and competent users of technology
  • Critical thinkers that can solve problems
  • Responsible, respectful and safe users of data, information and communication technology including age appropriate social media
  • Creative and imaginative using technology to present, record and share their work to a wider audience
  • Aware of technological uses and developments in the wider world.


Assessment and Reporting

Formative assessment in Computing is ongoing and takes many forms, which may include: discussions with pupils; pupil responses, explanations and justification of thoughts, creative work and presentations.

Summative assessment occurs at the end of each unit of work and achievement and attitude to learning are reported on to parents and carers three times each year, as part of school reporting calendar (December, March and July).

Assessment information is kept by the Computing Subject Leader and shared with senior leaders.