Together, as one, we support each other to flourish and succeed
English Intent
At South Crosland C.E.(A) Junior School we believe that literacy and the ability to clearly communicate are key life skills and are essential to be able to flourish throughout our lives. We believe that we have created a curriculum that encourages our children to become enthused and engaged with English. Through our English Curriculum, we strive to teach our children how important their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills will be in the real world.
Reading Intent
We support all our children to be avid readers; reading fluently and widely in order to develop views about the wider world and express their preferences and opinions. Through the consistent use of whole class texts in English lessons, children are inspired to read challenging texts and to read for pleasure. Children who are challenged by the basic skills of reading, are well supported to gain the self-confidence that will enable them to read and access age-related texts. Areas within school support children to access their independent reading material and to choose it wisely; to enjoy reading for pleasure and encourage others to do the same.
Reading Implementation
Careful selection of class texts across the school, provide a wide range of genres and authors. Texts are chosen to provoke and challenge thoughts and provide access to reading material outside of their own experiences. Throughout the key stage, texts are progressively more challenging in both content and difficulty level.
Reading is taught through whole class texts and discussion as part of every English lesson (one hour per day). The teacher supports children to understand the text, to discuss it and to ask and answer challenging questions about it. Reading is then the stimulus for all writing tasks, making reading the central thread of all English lessons.
Comprehension skills are taught discretely, outside of the English daily hour. Sessions are short, fast-paced and highly structured with a high level of questioning between teacher and child. Texts are chosen to challenge and develop comprehension skills. Children in Years 3 to 5 are taught the skills of information retrieval, deduction, inference and authorial intent, and Year 6 provides the opportunity for children to hone these skills of comprehension, developing a more thorough and accurate approach to comprehension.
Individual reading is essential across school and out of school. Every child follows the whole school bespoke reading scheme and initiative. In Years 3 and 4, each child spends time reading one to one with an adult each week and progress is monitored. Whereas in Years 5 and 6, children are given regular opportunities for independent reading; any child needing support with reading receives regular one to one support with an adult.
The nature of a Junior School evidences that some children will need further Phonics support during their time at our school. They are baseline assessed for Phonics in October of Year 3; those children identified as needing further support to successfully complete Phases 3, 4 and 5 Phonics are given the opportunity of small group teaching interventions in Reading and Spelling by a specialist teacher/cover supervisor.
Reading Impact
Children are able to read fluently, enjoy the process of reading and choose appropriate reading material to read for pleasure. They have the skills and confidence to discuss the texts they read, and to formulate and express opinions. Across school, through the development of reading areas and the availability of high quality and diverse texts within their classroom and curriculum, a culture has been created of children reading independently; choosing books to read that challenge their thoughts and ideas; intelligently discussing the books they have access to; and making book recommendations to their peers.
Reading Assessment and Reporting
Formative assessment in Reading is ongoing and takes many forms. Within each year group, teachers consistently and continually assess pupil knowledge and understanding of a text through effective and skilled questioning and daily monitoring and marking of work.
Additionally, each teacher utilises a range of different assessment opportunities for reading that apply to their individual context, such as: (within English lessons) reading comprehensions, chapter summaries, and opportunities for reflection about the texts studied. Whereas (outside of English lessons) there are additional reading assessment opportunities, through multiple reading sessions each week, every child reads to an adult at least once per week in years 3 and 4, and across school, children are provided with opportunities for silent, independent reading.
These assessment opportunities identify any gaps in learning as and when they occur, so that teachers are well-informed to act upon and address them in a timely manner.
The summative assessment schedule for each year group is outlined below:
- Upon entering Year 3, all children are baseline tested for reading to give a clear picture of individual pupil’s starting points with regards to the Key Stage 1 reading SATs objectives.
- Each child is assessed against the Reading objectives (Y3/4 and Y5/6).
- Within each year group, all children take the NFER reading tests in February (mid-year assessments) and in June, end-of-year assessments.
- In the Summer term of Year 6, all eligible pupils sit the end of Key Stage 2 SATs.
Assessment information is kept by each teacher, the school’s Assessment Co-ordinator and the English Subject Leader.
The standardised results that are generated from these tests provide an accurate and detailed picture of each child’s progress in English Reading from the beginning of their time at South Crosland C.E (A) Junior School right up to the end of Key Stage 2. Reading data for each year group is discussed as part of regular Pupil Progress Meetings and informs whole school data, which is monitored to identify patterns and issues. This whole school data is discussed with the SLT and informs any decisions on interventions and catch up one-to-one programmes as well as the School Development Plan, as appropriate.
Achievement and attitude to learning are reported to Parents and Carers three times each year, as part of the School Reporting Calendar (December, March and July).
Writing Intent
Our vision is that every child enjoys writing, is inspired to write and is able to write well. We strive to help our children develop into articulate, imaginative and emotive communicators so that by the time they leave our school they are well equipped with the basic skills they need. Together, we ensure that all our children develop a genuine love of language by providing challenging texts that stimulate; giving opportunity for quality writing. Children who are challenged by the basic skills of writing are well supported to gain the self-confidence that will enable them to write to the age-related expectations.
Writing Implementation
Our curriculum is carefully planned to ensure that children are taught all genres of writing, often before applying it in other subject areas. The skills and knowledge of writing progresses, year upon year, throughout Key Stage Two so that by the end the key stage, the children have had access to the full National Curriculum for writing. These skills and the knowledge gained, are built on lesson by lesson, week by week and year by year, and sequenced appropriately to maximise learning for all children. In each year group, children are able to talk about these skills and use them effectively in their writing. In order for individuals to progress, writing targets are given to each child, each term, to match their current needs of the year group writing objectives – these act as drivers to ensure every child makes progress. Their individual writing targets are also a focus in writing across the curriculum, in the core and foundation subjects, where they are able to practise the skill of writing required; this consistency is valued across school.
English lessons are delivered through a text-based approach, this links to the class text used daily. The majority of different writing genres, skills and knowledge can be taught throughout this approach. Teachers take time to model writing and share very high standards of work previously written. Opportunities are given for children to write at length. As well as individual writing targets, children frequently use success criteria to progress their writing further. When children begin at our school, they are taught how to use purple pen to edit their work, this is encouraged throughout school and children are confident at editing to improve their written work and can see the purpose and value of it. In Years 5 and 6, children use an assessment book to present their final draft as we believe that all pupils should be encouraged to take pride in the presentation of their writing, in part by developing a fluent, joined, handwriting style by the time they move to secondary school.
An effective knowledge of grammar is essential in order to write well and we recognise this by teaching grammatical terms discretely within the English week. At the beginning of each week, a specific grammar objective is taught which links to the writing genre. This enables children to practise that grammatical skill within their independent writing.
Spelling in an integral part of our school. Every spelling rule from the National Curriculum is taught through Key Stage Two progressively. Each week children are taught the spelling rule in a spelling lesson, and given a list of related spellings to learn that week. Spellings are differentiated for children, particularly those with S.E.N.D. or who have difficulties with spelling. Every child is tested on their weekly spelling rule and this is monitored by the class teacher. The nature of a Junior School evidences that some children will need further Phonics support during their time at our school. They are baseline assessed for Phonics in October of Year 3 and those identified as needing further support to successfully complete Phases 3, 4 and 5 Phonics are given the opportunity of small group teaching interventions in Reading and Spelling by a specialist teacher/cover supervisor.
Writing Impact
Our children are able to enjoy writing and write well. They can choose the appropriate writing genre for their written work, are aware of the audience and purpose of their writing and enjoy the process of editing writing. Children have the skills and knowledge, through grammatical terms, vocabulary and spelling to write with confidence. Writing is fluent, legible and by the end of Key Stage Two they are able to write at speed. Children leave our school with the writing tools for life.
Writing Assessment and Reporting
Formative assessment in Writing is ongoing and takes many forms. Within each year group, teachers consistently and continually assess pupil knowledge and understanding of their writing ability through effective and skilled questioning, daily monitoring and marking of work. Each piece of writing is marked to the children’s individual writing targets and success criteria, if appropriate. Children are encouraged to edit their work to include their writing targets, if they have not done so in a first draft.
The summative assessment schedule for each year group is outlined below:
- Teachers mark against the writing objectives for their year group when a piece of writing is complete. Evidence is gathered of different genres of writing throughout the year to support the end of year teacher assessment.
- Teachers adhere to the school’s Marking Policy, which includes the use of the next steps to drive progress.
- Throughout the year, internal (in year group and whole school) and external (within the Honley Partnership) writing moderation takes place.
- At the end of Key Stage Two, Year 6 writing may be moderated by the local authority (STA certified)
Assessment information is kept by each teacher, the school’s Assessment Co-ordinator and the English Subject Leader.
The teacher assessment that are generated from these, provide an accurate and detailed picture of each child’s progress in Writing from the beginning of their time at South Crosland C.E. (A) Junior School right up to the end of Key Stage 2. Writing data for each year group is discussed as part of regular Pupil Progress Meetings and informs whole school data, which is monitored to identify patterns and issues. This whole school data is discussed with the SLT and informs any decisions on interventions and catch up one-to-one programmes as well as the School Development Plan, as appropriate.
Achievement and attitude to learning are reported to Parents and Carers three times each year, as part of the School Reporting Calendar (December, March and July).