South Crosland C. of E. (A) Junior School

Friendship, Forgiveness, Honesty and Respect

Physical Education

Together, as one, we support each other to flourish and succeed


At South Crosland C.E (A) Junior School Physical Education is an integral part of our curriculum, it is inclusive and engages all pupils. We believe that sport and physical activity is a setting for friendships to blossom and traits of respect and honesty to flourish.  We work collaboratively with Pennine Partnership to ensure we deliver high quality P.E lessons that allow our children to develop both sporting and personal skills across a broad range of sports and physical activities. At South Crosland we encourage participation in competitive sport but teach our pupils to showcase the ‘South Crosland way’ to sporting activity: to try their best and showcase excellent sportsmanship. Ensuring our children have positive sporting experiences at school, alongside encouraging and celebrating achievements out of school, we aim to promote active and healthy lifestyles.

We see swimming as a vital life skill. Through weekly swimming session with qualified instructors we can ensure all children will leave able to swim at least 25 meters while stretching our able swimmers with personal survival challenges, plus the opportunity for competition.



  • Children have access to two hours of high-quality physical activity a week.
  • Pennine Partnership offer specialist coaching, facilities and competitions alongside staff CPD.
  • Teachers use, and adapt planning from Pennine Partnership to ensure lessons across both cycles show skill progression.
  • Year 4 pupils attend National Sports day at Leeds Road sports complex.
  • Year 3 and 4 children attend weekly swimming sessions.
  • We provide children with opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities that are inclusive, enjoyable and increase children’s physical activity.
  • Coaches, Play Leaders and School Sports organising Crew (SSOC) run activities and intra school competitions at break and lunch times.
  • Annually, the school celebrates ‘Active Week’ to educate and promote a healthy lifestyle and physical activity. Children engage in different workshops, activities and sports, and the week culminates with our whole-school event, often linked to a sporting completion of recent times.
  • Children run 1K a day.



We provide a P.E curriculum that enables children to develop and improve fundamental skills of sports and physical activities. Such skills are refined through quality teaching, in which we hope to inspire a love for sport and physical activity. A love that will continue throughout future life and mature into an active and healthy lifestyle and potentially a future sporting star. Children understand the importance of exercise and the health benefits it holds, through teachings in Science and PSHE Education. Our school day provides multiple opportunities for physical activity, which has had positive implications on classroom learning. The school values of friendship, forgiveness, respect and honesty run through our PE education as we promote fair play and teach the importance of sportsmanship.

Assessment and Reporting

Formative assessment in Physical Education is ongoing and takes many forms, which may include: peer and self-assessment; photos, videos and observations.  Summative assessment occurs at the end of each unit of work and achievement and attitude to learning are reported on to parents and carers three times each year, as part of School Reporting Calendar (December, March and June).

Assessment information is kept by the P.E. Co-ordinator and shared with S.L.T.